Friday, October 23, 2015

October Update!

Math ~ Topic 4: Working with Equal Groups

  • Repeated addition involves joining equal groups
  • An array involves joining equal groups and is one way to think about repeated addition
  • Information in a problem can often be shown using a diagram and used to solve the problem. Some problems can be solved by writing and completing a number sentence or equation.
  • Vocabulary word: array

Writing ~ Personal Narrative

  • Reviewed features of a personal narrative text
  • Studied modeled writing: focus on the beginning, middle, and end
  • Publishing, illustrations that bring the narrative to life
  • Sharing


  • Tree parts and their function: roots, trunk, branches, bark, leaves, seeds
  • Two types of trees
    • Coniferous: contains chlorophyll, stays green all year, needle-like leaves, come have cones
    • Deciduous: contains chlorophyll, changes color in the fall, broad shape leaves, acorns

*Family tree project is due November 3rd!
*Tree test is scheduled for November 6th!

Congratulations to our STARBUCK winners from Room 214!

STARBUCK assembly! Watch us Whip!

Show and Share coupons :) Caden and Olivia Q.

Zones of Regulation with Ms. Martin

  • How are you feeling? Red, yellow, green, or blue?